Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I Got A Job!

How about that. After almost 14 (glorious) months of unemployment, I'm back in the workforce. I start Friday at a place called Grassroots Campaigns. It is an organization that facilitates grassroots movements for progressive causes. I saw their ad in Craig's List yesterday, called them, interviewed and was hired today. I will be a "Field Manager" with the potential to be a "Director." I'm still working out what all of this means but basically I'll be in charge of a team of canvassers. Sounds like fun. I'm a bit nervous but I'm sure I can do it. It is exciting to get a job where I get to work for causes that I care about. Right now we are canvassing for the ACLU. Ok, that is all, wish me luck.


1 comment:

AdamB said...

Nice going! Kick some ass.